zondag 22 juni 2014

Des hiérarchies

‘La fondamentale égalité de nature de tous les hommes n’est certes pas dans son esprit abolition des hiérarchies mais source de devoirs réciproques et de véritable charité.
Virion, P. 1971. Le mystere de Jeanne d'Arc. Tequi

dinsdag 15 april 2014


'There are no invincible armies; only in the tests of decades, perhaps of centuries, can one philosophy triumph over another'

dinsdag 14 januari 2014


'Human beings come from the ground, Adam himself was formed out of earth;
in the fullness of his wisdom the Lord has made distinctions between them, and diversified their conditions.
Some of them he has blessed, hallowing and setting them near him; others he has cursed and humiliated by degrading them from their positions.
Like clay in the hands of the potter to mould as it pleases him, so are human beings in the hands of their Maker to reward as he judges right.'

Sirach 33.10-13