maandag 30 augustus 2010

The essence of strategy

[...] Only a Brilliant Ruler and an Excellent Leader
Who are able to conduct their intelligence with superiority and cleverness,
Are certain to achieve great results.
The Entire Force relies on this for every move.

This is the Essence of Strategy.

Sun Tzu,The art of strategy

zondag 22 augustus 2010

Intuitive decisionmaking

'There is no evidence that suggests that intuitive decisionmaking is superior to the formal approach and quite a lot that suggests that it is not'
Eiser, J.R, J.van der Pligt. 1998. Attitudes and decisions. London/New York: Routledge.

Creative alternatives

'The mind is the sole source of alternatives. Either the alternatives are somewhere in the mind waiting to be found, or they can be created from what is in the mind. But in this regard a person's mind is like a vast unexplored space. With such a vast area to to search for alternatives, intuitive and informal search strategies are often inadequate. Natural cognitive processes tend to guide our thought away from the areas of the mind that hold keys to creative alternatives. [...] What is needed are systematic and efficient ways to search through the mind that negate the natural tendency to think as we have thought before'
Keeney, R.L.1998. Value-focused thinking. Cambridge: University Press, 198.

dinsdag 17 augustus 2010


'Volgens een op de gnosis teruggaande legende speelde zich in de hemel een worsteling tussen de engelen af, een worsteling waarin de aanhangers van Michael die van de Draak versloegen. De engelen die zich uit besluiteloosheid beperkten tot toekijken, werden naar dit ondermaanse verbannen, opdat ze hier alsnog de keuze zouden maken waartoe ze daarboven niet konden besluiten, een keuze die des te lastiger was omdat ze geen herinnering bewaarden aan het gevecht, en al helemaal niet aan hun dubbelzinnige houding'

Uit: Cioran,E.M.1995.'Gevierendeeld', Amsterdam: Arbeiderspers, p.9

maandag 9 augustus 2010

A full life

'The decision maker who searches actively and creatively for new opportunities can look forward to many exciting possibilities and a full life'
Clemens, R.T. 1997. Making hard decisions, 209.

woensdag 4 augustus 2010

Un travail sans fin

'(...) sois averti que faire des livres est un travail sans fin et que beaucoup d'etude fatigue le corps'
L'Ecclesiaste, 12.12.