vrijdag 27 september 2013

Se souvenir

'Au jour du bonheur on ne se souvient pas des maux
et au jour du malheur on oublie le bonheur'
[In prosperous times, disasters are forgotten
and in times of disaster, no one remembers prosperity]

L'Ecclesiastique 11.25

vrijdag 20 september 2013


'Sovereignty passes from nation to nation because of injustice, arrogance and money.'

Ecclesiasticus/ Sirach 10.8


woensdag 18 september 2013


'Do not desert an old friend; the new one will not be his match. New friend, new wine; when it grows old, you drink it with pleasure.'  

Ecclesiasticus 9.10

vrijdag 13 september 2013


'(...) critical thinking, and critical thinking about thinking, are the essence of education, not the didactic exposition of particular bits of knowledge or technique'
JackDowie (1989), Professional Judgement, introduction tests 1 to 4. Walton Hall: The Open University, p.9.

woensdag 4 september 2013

Enemies & Friends

'Keep well clear of your enemies, and be wary of your friends.'

Sirach 6.13

dinsdag 3 september 2013


'Let your acquaintances be many, but for advisers choose one out of a thousand.'

Sirach 6.6

zondag 1 september 2013


Sois prompt à écouter
et lent à donnner ta réponse.

Qo 5.11