maandag 29 augustus 2011


Citaat van een Engelse specialist in het analyseren van ‘preventieve’ oorlogen (ergens gelezen op het internet):

‘The war in Libya can be termed as a war of disinformation. The western biased media have manipulated the situation from the beginning till now. For instance, the bombings by NATO fighters were not only carried out on military targets, but also hit civilian houses, hospitals, schools and hotels. So there is definitely something more than the usual humanitarian reasons behind the war. […]

Gadhaffi’s negatives […] do not mean that Libyans needed freedom. This may come as a shock to many but - Libya is actually considered to be the Switzerland of Africa and the lifestyle of it’s middle-class is better than most of the other African nations. Libya has highest literacy rate in North Africa - 82% of its population can read and write. The schools and hospitals are free for people. Condition for women is much better than all Arab countries and they can wear what they want. Social service allows unemployed citizens to receive cash handouts. All the cash in overseas accounts thought to be in the royal family’s name turned out to be Libyan State owned money. Why this war than? Why this cry and bloodshed for democracy?’

[PS. Ongeveer een week voor de ellende begon zou Libiƫ een speciale vermelding (of prijs) krijgen van de VN wegens het op exemplarische wijze behartigen van de mensenrechten in Afrika (of zoiets). Dit alles is gedocumenteerd terug te vinden op internet, o.a. op de site van Pravda.]

zondag 28 augustus 2011

Complete agreement

'People may honestly say they are in complete agreement on the objectives and then find they are mistaken'.

Keeney, R.L.1992.Value-focused thinking.Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 160

donderdag 11 augustus 2011

Rien de nouveau

'Ce qui fut, cela sera
ce qui s'est fait se refera
et il n'a rien de nouveau sous le soleil'
L'Ecclesiaste: 1.9.

zondag 7 augustus 2011

Regression toward the mean

Bij volstrekt willekeurige metingen van een bepaald fenomeen zullen extreme gevallen in het algemeen gevolgd worden door minder extreme gevallen.

vrijdag 5 augustus 2011

Redundant questions

'It is useful in any assessment to ask redundant questions in different ways'
Keeney, R.L.1992. Value-focused thinking. Cambridge, Massachu