dinsdag 29 december 2009


'Without deliberation plans come to nothing. Plans succeed where counsellors are many'
Proverbs, 15.22

woensdag 23 december 2009


"Fools think the way they go is straight, the wise listens to advice"
Proverbs 12.15

zaterdag 12 december 2009


'(...) le succes tient au grand nombre de conseillers'
Proverbes 11,14

zaterdag 5 december 2009

Dame Folie

'Dame Folie est impulsive, niaise et ne connaissant rien!'
Proverbes 9; 10.

zaterdag 10 oktober 2009

Moral Virtue

"(...) in order that man work well in things referred to the end, he needs not only a virtue disposing hem well to the end, but also those virtues which dispose him well to whatever is referred to the end."

Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologica, I-IIe, Q.65, art. 3, http://newadvent.org/summa

maandag 10 augustus 2009

La vie

"Seul le respect de la vie peut fonder et garantir les biens les plus precieux et les plus necessaires de la societe, comme la democratie et la paix"

Ioannes Paulus PP.II 1995. Evangelium Vitae (101)

zondag 9 augustus 2009


"An end cannot be achieved without the means, but the end measures and integrates the means in a whole system. Since the means are relative to the end, however, the means (...) can be limited or restricted so that they truly serve the end rather than overpower it".

Ashley, B.M. & O'Rourke, K.D. 1989. Healthcare ethics (third edition). St.Louis MO: The Catholic Health Association of the United States, 36

vrijdag 7 augustus 2009

Epicurus (341 - 271 B.C)

"We must consider both the real purpose and all the evidence of direct perception, to which we always refer the conclusions of opinion; otherwise, all will be full of doubt and confusion"

Principal Doctrines, XXII

woensdag 29 juli 2009

Reference point

Clearly defined ultimate value statements (‘strategic objectives’) provide guidance to decisions. They serve as the mechanism by which e.g. leaders of a nation strategically guide decisions made by individuals and groups. If clear and meaningful strategic objectives (or ‘reference points’) are missing, many separate decisions won’t make sense within the larger context of society.
Fred Hamburg

zaterdag 18 juli 2009

Focus on values

"What is missing in most decisionmaking methodologies is a philosophical approach and methodological help to understand and articulate values and to use them to identify decision opportunities and to create alternatives. The way to remedy that situation is to focus on what matters: on values"

Keeney, R.L. 1992. Value-focused thinking. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 8

donderdag 16 juli 2009

woensdag 15 juli 2009


"the only way we can connote value or disvalue is by relating an act to an end"

Ashley, B.M. & O'Rourke, K.D. 1989. Healthcare ethics (third edition). St. Louis MO: The Catholic Health Association of the United States.
"the only way we can connote value or disvalue is by relating an act to an end".

Ashley, B.M. & O'Rourke, K.D 1989. Healthcare ethics: A theological Analysis (third edition). St. Louis, MO: The Catholic Health Association of the United States, 166

dinsdag 7 juli 2009